Midas Touch

    Author: Ericka Armenta Genre:

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    3 Responses so far.

    1. Vocabulary:
      -ancient: antiguo
      -greedy: codicioso
      The story of king Midas was very nice, because the king was greedy and he loved the gold; one day , he met a genie, the genie said "you may have one wish". King Midas wished that everything he touched would turn in gold; the genie granted her wish. The king became very rich, but he was not happy. One day his daughter was very sad and gave him a hug to comfort, but she became gold when her father held her.
      King Midas asked the genie and said "please take back my wish, because my daughter is more important than the gold", and the genie said "i will". After that day the king lived happily with the love of his daughter who was more important than gold.
      I liked this story is very educational.

    2. Raúl says:

      This is famous history, the man that want all gold in the world but he forgot the most important "love" . Sometimes we don't see that our society its very materialist and that for be happy you don´t need be a millionaire you only need persons feel love for you, for be yourself

    3. Janice says:

      Greedy: Codicioso.
      Genie: Genio.
      Worth: Valor.

      I read the Greek myth "Midas Touch" because I like reading and learning new things about Greek mythology,In addition to that they had already heard of this myth in literature class. The story is short but interesting because it gives a lesson in everyday life and reading this story makes you think as a person about things that interest samples as most people believe that material things are all in life, but this story shows that love is what makes a person rich and not money. The King Midas from the beginning was greedy and did not care about nothing but money, in my opinion asking that desire was a good thing as it made what was valued and what really matters.

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